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Trans-Age: A woke movement transgressing sanity and sense
According to the woke activists, all social constructs are oppressive, bigoted, and problematic. Why and how? These are the questions that you cannot ask a woke. The only choice and right that woke activists have given to the society is to agree with them and join them in unleashing madness. It is what they are unleashing as they problematize the very concept of age, declare that being considerate of age(ageism) is inherently oppressive.

Whoever said that age is just a number surely didn’t know that the Wokes will be listening.
Wokeism proclaims that there is only one truth and it is that there is no absolute truth. For the woke activists almost everything is a social construct. Beginning from gender, racial identity, fitness, disability, the woke trans-age activists now claim that age is a social construct. The trans-age movement claims that people might identify with a different age than their chrono age and that should be considered their “actual age”. They have come up with an entire movement, definitions and terminology to deal with ageism and it is actually selling. The West has been engulfed by this calamity and we cannot afford to be mute spectators and unarmed victims of the woke assault. It is time we talk and intellectually arm ourselves with knowledge to fight this menace. In this article, we will learn what is trans-age activism, how it is rooted in anti-ageism.
We will critically examine their arguments while discussing the consequences of anti-ageism and its by product- the trans-age movement.
Let’s start with the basics:
Age is the length of time that someone has lived. So, a person’s age is the number of years that they have lived. I am 24 years old. I have grown with my age; mentally, physically and biologically. Ten-twenty years down the lane and I won’t be the same as I am today. Change is not a bad thing, growth is natural. It helps us adapt to our surroundings as we grow, meet challenges of life that we face at different ages. But I cannot go back to being a new-born, or an infant or behave like one or expect people to treat me as one even if I wish to escape these challenges, what I can do is prepare myself and meet them. Sounds wrong? Not to me but definitely to a Trans-age activist.
How? Let me make it simple by saying that according to Trans-age activists all I that have written above is stereotypical, prejudicial and discriminative. Let me give you a few examples to help you comprehend what the Trans-age activists are trying to do. You are travelling in a bus or metro train, occupying a seat. An 80-year-old man is standing. If you are about to give up your seat for him, stop right there. You believe in the stereotype that just because the man is old, he needs the seat more than you do. You are being prejudicial. By offering your seat to him you are discriminating against him based on his age. This is ageism and it is oppressive according to the wokes.
Next let’s say come across a newspaper headline, A 49-year-old man who rapist claims to be a 6-year-old girl. If you deny his identity than you are an ageist and of course a transphobe.
Let’s take another example. You meet a middle-aged woman. She is toiling hard to provide for her 4 kids. You enquire about her husband and she tells you he has abandoned them. The man after decades of marriage, and four kids suddenly realised that he neither wants to be a man nor a 50-year-old. He claims to be a 5-year-old girl, wants his wife to provide him gender and age-affirming care. The wife decides that it is better to provide for four actual kids rather than 5, one of who is actually an irresponsible, retarded full-grown man who wants to escape life. Do you agree with the wife? Ageism indeed is your problem. I know all these examples seem so bizarre and ridiculous but believe me not all of them are just hypothetical scenarios. These are the real stories of Trans-age activism.
Where does it all start from:
Trans-age movement is a symptom of the disease called anti-ageism. WHO defines ageism as follows:
“Ageism refers to the stereotypes (how we think), prejudice (how we feel) and discrimination (how we act) towards others or oneself based on age.”
The term was coined by Robert Neil Butler in 1969. He used it to describe discrimination against seniors. Butler defined “ageism” as a combination of three connected elements, namely: discriminatory practices against older people; and institutional practices and policies that perpetuate stereotypes about elderly people.
This definition is a proof of how woke activists define a term in a manner that derogates the most rational ideas, behaviours and actions. They suffuse a term with negative connotations. They make a phenomenon problematic by giving it a problematic definition and description. When something is problematic by its very definition, what do you do except fight it. That’s the only choice that Left offers you but who said we need to take what Left has to offer? Why should we let them define and distort our understanding of things?
We can dismantle their agenda one definition at a time:
It is necessary that we hold on to our own understanding of things, phenomena, human behaviour. One way of doing it is defining things in a way human community at large understands them. It would give us a true picture of what certain behaviour and phenomenon represents according to human common sense instead of being forced to hate something just based on Leftist distortions. Let’s begin with ageism.
Ageism means accepting that age is the number of years one has lived. When we talk of age, we do not merely look at a numerical digit. In essence, we look at the reality of human body, mind, psychology, physiology, and biology. Age makes a difference. Ageing leads to changes. Differences and changes cannot be addressed through denial, they can be addressed only through acknowledgement. Therefore, ageism would also mean acknowledging the differences and changes in mental and physical capabilities of people of different ages. Ageism acts as a means for catering to the needs, accommodating the strengths and making place for the weaknesses of people belonging to different age groups in a manner that benefits both the individual and the society at large.
Who is an ageist?
An ageist is therefore, a person who practices ageism as defined above. An ageist is someone who has the courage to accept the truth of nature, a basic one at that. The truth being that people age. It is no secret that truth tastes bitter for the wokes who prefer living in denial and dystopia.
The wokes will tell you that an “ageist is someone who discriminates against persons of a certain age group, especially older people”. They will however not explain what do they mean by discrimination here. Is it the understanding that people are different at different ages and behaving accordingly in order to ensure that their specific, unique and particular needs are taken care of. What would being non-discriminatory in the context of age mean? Indifference or aloofness with respect to age? Contrary to championing their rights and well-being such indifferent attitude will risk the life, health and security of people belonging to different age groups. Trans-age movement is a proof of this.
Do not have to think of the devil because the devil is here: The Trans-Age Activism
The Trans-age Activism is founded on the belief and assertion that age is a social construct. Tran-age activists differentiate between a person’s biological age, which they refer to as chrono-age and the age they identify with referred to as trans-age or what they call the “actual age”. Urban dictionary defines a trans-age person as “someone with an age identity that differs from their chronological age”. It writes, “trans-age people can be of any age and are not all younger than their chrono age. Trans-age people may also fluctuate between ages, be multiple ages or be no specific age”.
If also claims that, “Trans-age is NOT a term used to justify the abuse of children. The term has never been used this way by real trans-age people. In fact, many trans-age children (older to younger) believe they cannot consent, just like a chrono child can’t”.
For more clarity on what is meant by trans-age and who are trans-age people, look at this thread by a trans-age activist.

(Link to the Tweet: https://twitter.com/agedysphoria/status/1590200026441338880?s=20 )
This gives us an overview of how maniacal this idea of “trans-age” itself is. There are no “real” trans-age people as the Urban dictionary claims. In fact, there is no reality in trans-age, it is antithetical to everything real and sincere. Trans-age activism makes it evident that woke activists want to fight battles that do not even exist, but in this process, they surely create problems that nobody thought will exist. It is the society at large that suffers the cataclysmic consequences of their demented ideology. We can see the results of trans-age activism unravelling. Given below are just a few examples:
A Chicago man accused of sexually assaulting two six-year-olds and an eight-year-old on repeated occasions, told police officers that he’s really “a nine-year-old trapped in an adult’s body,” reported The Daily Wire. (https://www.dailywire.com/news/trans-age-pedophile-charged-abusing-3-girls-says-amanda-prestigiacomo)
In another incident, Emile Ratelband, a 69-year-old feels like he’s in his 40s. He is a Dutch television personality, “positivity guru” and former politician. pensioner is asking a court in his hometown of Arnhem, southeast of Amsterdam, to change his birth certificate so that it says he took his first breath on March 11, 1969, rather than on March 11, 1949 as reported by The Washington Post. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2018/11/08/year-old-man-asks-be-declared-claiming-age-is-fluid-gender/)
A transgender killer now identifies as an infant and demands nappies, a dummy, and baby food in prison. Eastwood has also demanded that prison officers hold her hand when she is escorted from her cell. It is understood that prison bosses are treating the demands seriously and considering which protocols might be established in dealing with the prisoner, reports Daily Record. (https://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/trans-murderer-prison-identify-baby-26669658?_ga=2.138211315.2104743659.1676620926-9000527579.1676620915)
In another horrifying case: Transgender father Stefonknee Wolscht who left family to be a six-year-old girl ‘uses child’s play to escape adult life’. He says, ‘By not acting my age, I don’t have to deal with the reality that was my past’. “If I’m six-years-old, I don’t have to think about adult stuff.”
(Read: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/transgender-father-stefonknee-wolscht-who-left-family-to-be-a-sixyearold-girl-uses-child-s-play-to-escape-adult-life-a6775051.html)
You are just one search away from a lot of unreported cases of Trans-age mania. From YouTube, to Instagram, to Tiktok the social media is full of people claiming they identify with a different age.
Grasping the Evil by the Root:
By problematizing the normal and normalising the problematic the woke activists aim at disturbing the social cohesion. We cannot let their imaginative dystopia marketed with an objective to sell some deranged idea of utopia cost us our moral and social fabric. The Trans-age movement and its foundation, anti-ageism needs to be critically examined, debated and interred belowground.
Let’s see why WHO thinks ageism is a “real problem “. We will now look at each of
these arguments separately and critically examine them.
a. According to WHO “Ageism can change how we view ourselves, can erode solidarity between generations”:
Do we attain solidarity by denying the phenomena of age and ageing? Definitely not. In fact, it is ageism that helps us understand the needs of different age groups. The old are entrusted with handing down the culture, traditions, knowledge accumulated in a lifetime. They lay the foundation for the young to stand and build upon. The young on the other hand are responsible for vitalising and adding to the pool of human development and progress. There is a mutual dependency between all age groups and ageism helps us understand our roles, responsibilities, and facilitates our interactions with everyone around us. It is in not a hindrance but a common sense that binds together various age groups, the young and the old by providing for each a space in the society and social relationships.
b. WHO claims “Ageism can devalue or limit our ability to benefit from what younger
and older populations can contribute”:
Contribution to the society does not necessarily has to be in a uniform or identical manner. It will be unrealistic and unreasonable to expect everyone to contribute in a similar manner or by performing the same tasks or jobs. bring out the best in each one of us. Society benefits from what younger and older populations can contribute by accounting for different abilities and harnessing unique potentials in manners suited to each age group. Imposing uniform expectations and roles that are unsuited for different age groups will be detrimental to both the people involved and the society. A toddler given a gun and asked to defend the borders or an aged person asked to enter the combat force is not going to help improve health, longevity and well-being of the respective persons; it will have the opposite impact. Age is determinative of a lot of other things like the mental and physical abilities of a person, the level of psychological and physiological development of a person, etc. This does not make any of the age groups dispensable or less important or their potential useless. Individuals belonging to different age groups can contribute in different ways best suited to their abilities ensuring economic and social well-being.
c. WHO states, “Ageism can impact our health, longevity and well-being while also
having far-reaching economic consequences.” It claims that “ageism is associated with earlier death (by 7.5 years), poorer physical and mental health, and slower recovery from disability in older age. Ageism also increases risky health behaviours, such as eating an unhealthy diet, drinking excessively or smoking, and reduces our quality of life. In the United States, one in every seven dollars spent on health care every year for the eight most expensive conditions was due to ageism (US$ 63 billion in total).”:
A cursory glance at the statement is enough to reveal its mental and logical bankruptcy. WHO fails to establish any cause-effect relationship between ageism and the above mentioned problems. This statement is devoid of any rationale or grounds based on which it reached the conclusions that ageism promotes risky health behaviours or how it is associated with early deaths. The reality is contrary to what WHO claims. The human civilization has overtime not only developed an understanding of what type of food and diet is suitable for different regions, seasons, body types but also age. With age the needs of a body change, and it is ageism that takes this into account and helps develop medicine, prescribe diets, exercise, etc. in accordance with the body’s needs.
It is only a wild claim that ageism promotes habits like excessive drinking and smoking. In a highly civilised society these practices are looked down upon irrespective of the age and gender of a person. In many communities, religions and societies these habits or addiction to intoxicants symbolise moral depravity and a lack of control on one’s lower or base nature. In others where it is acceptable to drink or smoke, excessive drinking and smoking are still frowned upon. Understanding the impact that these practices can have especially on women, children and the elderly, the society discourages such habits in general. Excessive smoking and drinking are a result of promotion of a culture where intoxication is normalised, where the negative impact that these habits have on one’s health and mind are denied, and where the social, moral consequences of these habits are not acknowledged. These traits can be seen in societies which have been overrun by the liberal, Leftist and Woke ideas. Traditional societies still manage to control and discourage these habits through moral and social policing. It is wonderful how the Leftists manages to blame the society for problems that they created or promoted. By no stretch of logical and rational reasoning can ageism be blamed for these self- sabotaging and anti-social habits. If one paid heed to what age-old civilizational wisdom has to say in respect of such habits, a lot of these issues could be controlled if not eliminated.
d. Another argument advanced by WHO is that ageism leads to “practices that limit
younger people’s opportunities to contribute to decision-making in the
Exactly what younger people and what particular practices is it talking about? A workplace has different levels of decision making, and people possessing requisite qualifications and experience are required to take decisions, participate in decision making. These people also bear the accountability for the same decisions. Age is not the most important factor here, qualification and experience is, because workplace decisions do not impact an individual decision maker alone but the enterprise, employees and the economy at large. Almost every organisation prioritises expertise and experience over age to secure its own interests and those of its stakeholders including employees; young or old. This ambiguous, vague and extremely generalised statement by WHO overlooks reality.
e. WHO says ageism is the reason for “patronizing behaviour used in interactions with
older and younger people”:
As we all know to patronise someone literally means to treat them in a way that shows that you think you are better, more intelligent, experienced, etc. than he/she is. Again, WHO fails to clarify what behaviour and actions are patronising according to it. Who is patronising who? Since ageism is all-pervasive as admitted by WHO itself, we must assume it means to say everyone is patronising. So, everyone is a victim and a culprit. Typical woke thought process: everyone is bad except those who are woke and join them in declaring that everyone else is bad.
Coming back, yes, age impacts our interactions with people but it is not a negative impact in general and it does not mean something bad ipso facto. Helping an old man cross a road, giving up our seats in a bus or train for the elderly does spring from the common sense that they do need it more than us, it is also a sign of respect in many cultures. This might also by implication mean that we are physically stronger than them. The same can be said about carrying young kids on our backs. Now, WHO might say it is solely because we think ourselves better that we do so or because we wish to patronise those around us both young and the old. Children below a certain age are presumed to have no criminal intent legally. Isn’t this patronising because we think children can’t have a motive for crime like adults? Maybe WHO expects us to be totally indifferent to age of those around us and treat them all alike which in most instances will have cruel, harsh, unkind results.
f. Lastly WHO writes that ageism is reflected “in self-limiting behaviour, which can stem from internalized stereotypes about what a person of a given age can be or do”:
We all read a few instances above which show us clearly what happens when people do not wish to act their age and shy from meeting realities that they need to meet at a particular age. Age-appropriate behaviour ensures that people take responsibility for their actions. Self-limiting is not such a bad thing, after all, without self-limiting ourselves at times we can be behaving in a rash manner.
Sum and Substance of the anti-ageism motivated Trans-age activism:
As per wokes, parents treating their actual 5-year-old girl just like she should be is stereotypical but a couple adopting a full-grown 49-year-old man who claims to be a 6-year-old girl is revolutionary. While the former are bigots the latter are the very embodiment of moral and intellectual superiority. This is the essence of the woke movements. All behaviour that was sexist, ageist in the normal and natural circumstances suddenly transforms into gender-affirming, age-affirming care as soon as it is practiced towards men identifying as women or full-grown men or women identifying as kids. It is stereotypical that a girl child should be wearing frocks, donning pigtails, playing with dolls and demanding a doll house. It is gender-affirming, Trans-age activism when a 49-year-old man or a middle-aged woman claiming to be a young girl dresses the same way and expects the same things to be done for her. The case of Stefonknee Wolschtt cited earlier in this article is just one of the innumerable examples of this woke hypocrisy. Hypocrisy is the sum and substance of woke ideologies. Gender-affirming care for a biological girl is sexism but the same care for a man identifying as a girl is progressive, inclusive, feminism. Age-appropriate treatment or care for an aged man is ageism but there should be age-affirming care in the normal, socially understood way when the same man says he is a child, and it will be called trans-age activism. The woke do hate social constructs only until they can blur boundaries, distort definitions, mess with common sense so that they can wrongfully benefit from the same.
After reading about ageism and why wokes hate it, we can easily understand the inevitable ruinous and anti-social consequences of this ideology can already be witnessed. Rapists are claiming to be prepubescent girls, sociopaths are abandoning their kids and families claiming they are toddlers and need to be taken care of. The poisonous movement of trans-age springs directly from the hatred for ageism and the belief that age is a social construct. We cannot fight trans-age without questioning the very foundations it is based on and dismantling anti-ageism.
It is important for the safety of our children, families and societies that we stop this madness. The woke movement threatens everything that makes sense of our lives, relationships andwhich helps us make sense of life and mutual relationship with each other. Life is a blessing. In Hinduism while blessing somebody we often say, Deerghaayu Bhava! Shataayu Bhava! (दीर्घायू भव! शतायू भव!). This literally means, “May you have a long life! May you live for hundred years!”. Hinduism as a religion values life in all its forms. If a society wanted to wish away old then why would it think it’s blessing to “live long”. The societies and cultures most definitely knew that if one lives long, they will age and become old as well and unlike what wokes will have us believe, society does not resent the aged or the young and budding. It is a blessing that one gets to live in the first place, and even a greater a blessing if one lives long. If the society was only conspiring against young people using ageism, why would the bringing of a life on earth be considered one of the most beautiful things, a divine gift. The old and the young both have a place in a society. The truth remains that there cannot be a world which can exist without the young and old and there definitely cannot be a civilization which does not protect its children and tender to its old. It is the foundation built by the aged that we stand on and it is our children who will maintain the continuity of this civilization. The wokes will have us believe that each one of us is conspiring against each other while at the same time being victims of some social conspiracy ourselves. This serves their goal of dismantling the society which consequently atomises the individual making it easier to turn them into ideological slaves for the wokes. Do not fall for the woke agenda for it harbours disorder and chaos alone.
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