Indic Varta

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Today, we are launching an essay competition on India That is Bharat. Registrations are open !

Indic Essay Competition on India That is Bharat

Theme of the Essay

Centre for Indic Studies, Indus University is glad to announce an essay competition on the theme ‘India That is Bharat‘, which envisions the emergence of a robust and strong nation rooted in the values of Santana Dharma.

Bharat (India), to us Hindus, is a land quite different to any other, largely because of the unique ‘Sanatana Dharma’ and knowledge-seeking philosophy of life developed by her inhabitants through the ages. However, her stunted growth or societal failures during long periods of foreign occupation, have shaped her destiny so far in ways that appear questionable. Therefore, there is a need to re-visit our civilisational narratives and rethink our priorities as a nation. To fulfil this objective, the Centre for Indic Studies is launching an essay competition to examine with you the myriad issues concerning ‘India-that is Bharat’, her past, present, and especially her future place in the community of nations, seventy five years from now.

In this context, we invite you to submit an essay related to a deeper understanding of Indianness (Bhartiyata). This understanding of “India that is Bharat” transcends the idea of a nation-state and goes beyond the constraints of our constitution and constitutional morality. The essay should address specific issue-centric problems, thoughts, and ideas along with practical solutions and/or anti-dotes, where needed. Keeping in mind the overall theme of “India that is Bharat”, your essay may focus on any one of the following aspects of India:- 






Leadership & Dharma

For example, your essay could address questions such as how our constitution can be amended to align better with our civilizational ideals?, or what are the factors that threaten the cultural diversity of India and how can they be dealt with?

How to Submit Your Essay

Word limit: The essay should be 1500-2000 words long. 

Age: This competition is open to anyone above the age of 18 years.

Registration: To register yourself for this competition, please type an abstract of 200 words and upload the word file in the google form given below.

Deadline: The deadline for submitting the abstract is 15th May

Prizes: The winners of this competition will be rewarded handsomely. 

The first prize winner will receive a sum of Rs. 15,000/-

The second will receive Rs. 10,000/- and

The third prize winner will receive Rs. 5,000/- 

So, register now and let the horses of your imagination run wild !

(Note: Please avoid the practice of indulging in self-blame or using victimhood narratives to explain our current scenario.)